Non Surgical Hairloss Reversal

Non Surgical Hair Loss Reversal

Hair loss is an issue that affects men and women. Past treatments for hair loss were often associated with unnatural and laughable results. However, modern hair transplant techniques provide a natural and permanent result for hair loss. Men and women are both equally good candidates for hair transplantation.

What To Expect

The Procedure
Non-surgical hair transplants are done through the extraction of individual hair follicles from an area of the head, typically the back of the head, where little if any evidence that any hair follicles were ever removed. This is very similar to surgical hair transplants, but the non-surgical method has the obvious advantage of no scar at the back of the head. This is the more ideal surgery for those who want to keep their hair very short.

After the hair follicles are extracted, they are prepared for placement into the target site. After they are placed in the target site, the hair follicles usually take 7-10 days to set in and several months for hair to begin growing consistently.

The Recovery
The recovery is minimal. There will be bruising and swelling and potentially black eyes that can occur. What Non-Surgical Hair Loss Treatment Options are Available?

Minoxidil (Rogaine) was approved by the FDA for both male and female hair loss. It is available in 2% or 5% forms and helps to improve hair count and hair weight. Minoxidil is applied BID to a dry scalp. Side effects (which occur in less than 6% of patients) include dry scalp with flaking and headaches. One of the downsides of Minoxidil is the benefits stop when the treatment stops.

Finasteride (Propecia) was FDA approved for men aged 18-41 and is a competitive inhibitor of type II 5-alpha reductase that decreases production of DHT at the hair follicles. Finasteride can prevent hair loss and, in some cases, even regrow hair. Women should not use Finasteride due to the fact that it can cause feminization of male fetuses and it lacks efficacy in postmenopausal women. Finasteride decreases PSA levels and there are sexual function side effects in less than 1.8% of people who take it.

Spironolactone is an antiandrogen hair loss treatment option that is useful in women with elevation of androgens. Side effects include menstrual irregularity, hyperkalemia and feminization of male fetuses.

Additional Treatment Options
Additional hair loss treatment options include low level light lasers that have been approved by the FDA, as well as camouflage techniques including hair sprays, tattooing (scalp micropigmentation, and hair fibers.

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