Utah’s Leading Ear Surgeons

Do you struggle with stretched, torn, or damaged earlobes that make it difficult to wear earrings or feel self-conscious about your appearance? Ear lobe repair, also known as earlobe reconstruction, could be the solution you've been searching for! This innovative cosmetic procedure is designed to repair a wide range of earlobe-related issues, from stretched or split earlobes to torn or uneven piercings, resulting in a more natural and aesthetically pleasing appearance. Whether you're dealing with a traumatic injury or simply want to restore your earlobes to their former glory, ear lobe repair offers a safe, effective, and long-lasting solution that can dramatically improve your overall appearance and boost your self-confidence.

What is an Ear & Lobe Repair?


Ear lobe deformities can result from trauma to the lobes from injury or prolonged use of heavy earrings or stretching of the ear lobes. For patients with a large defect of the ear lobe, a simple procedure can restore the lobe to its original shape.

The Ear & Lobe Repair Procedure

Am I a Good Candidate?

 For patients with a large defect of the ear lobe, a simple procedure can restore the lobe to its original shape.

ear & lobe repair Procedure

The exact procedure that might be necessary for ear lobe repair depends on the individual, but can be done under local anesthesia. The procedure only takes about 30 minutes to perform and the results are immediate.

Recovery Process

There is only minimal downtime associated with the procedure and patients can return to work immediately.

Results From An Ear & Lobe Repair


Patients can expect to see a significant improvement in the appearance of their earlobes following the procedure. The timeline for results may vary depending on the severity of the damage and the healing capacity of the individual. Generally, patients will see initial results within a week or two after the procedure, and the final results will be visible within two to three months.


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    I’m so glad that I put my trust in Dr. Ward. His skill and sense of aesthetic are impeccable and the surgery has changed my life for the better! In addition, his staff is also incredible and hand-picked. They helped ease my nervousness and told me what to expect pre and post-op.

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    I’m so glad that I put my trust in Dr. Ward. His skill and sense of aesthetic are impeccable and the surgery has changed my life for the better! In addition, his staff is also incredible and hand-picked. They helped ease my nervousness and told me what to expect pre and post-op.

Portrait of plastic surgery patient Testimonial

Ear & Lobe Repair FAQ

Will there be scarring after earlobe repair?

Visible scarring after earlobe repair is possible, but skilled surgeons aim to minimize it. The extent of scarring depends on the specific technique used and individual factors. Surgeons typically make incisions along the natural creases or within the borders of the earlobe to help conceal scars. Over time, the scars tend to fade and become less noticeable.

Can I wear earrings after earlobe repair?

In most cases, you will be able to wear earrings after earlobe repair. However, it's essential to follow your surgeon's instructions regarding the timing and process of re-piercing the repaired earlobe. They may recommend a waiting period to ensure proper healing before wearing earrings again.

What are the risks associated with earlobe repair?

The risks associated with earlobe repair are generally minimal. However, as with any surgical procedure, there are potential risks and complications, including infection, bleeding, scarring, asymmetry, and changes in sensation. It's important to choose a qualified surgeon and carefully follow their post-operative instructions to minimize these risks and promote optimal healing.

How much does earlobe repair cost?

The cost of earlobe repair can vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the procedure, the surgeon's experience, and the geographic location. It's best to consult with a qualified surgeon who can assess your specific case and provide you with an accurate cost estimate.

The Consultation

The ear & lobe repair consultation is the chance for you and your surgeon to meet and get to know each other. This relationship is important for several reasons. You should feel comfortable with your surgeon to ensure that you are on the same page before surgery and that you will feel comfortable voicing any concerns or questions before and after the surgery.

Your surgeon will evaluate your ears and talk to you about your desired results. They will give you honest and realistic expectations and inform you of any potential risks involved. These risks can vary based on each individual person, so it is important to be honest and upfront during your consultation.

Follow up after surgery is important to ensure that you are healing properly and that you are happy with your results. If you are not happy, we want to know! It can take a few months before you are fully healed and see the final result, and we will monitor you carefully during this period to ensure proper healing.