Utah’s Leading Brow Reduction Surgeons

Do you struggle with feeling self-conscious or unhappy about the size or shape of your brows? Whether due to genetics, aging, or other factors, excessively large or prominent brows can be a source of insecurity and discomfort for many people. But there's no need to continue feeling this way - at the Ward Institute, we offer brow reduction surgery to help you achieve a more balanced and proportional appearance. Our skilled surgeons use advanced techniques to carefully sculpt and reshape the brow area, creating a more refined and harmonious look that complements your other facial features. With our brow reduction surgery, you can regain your confidence and feel proud of your appearance. Contact us today to learn more and schedule a consultation with one of our experienced surgeons.

What is a Brow Reduction?

Brow reduction, also known as forehead reduction or hairline lowering, is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of a section of the scalp from the hairline to bring the hairline down and reduce the size of the forehead.

The Brow Reduction Procedure

Who Is An Ideal Candidate For a Brow Reduction?

A good candidate for this procedure is someone who has a prominent or protruding brow bone that causes a heavy, masculine appearance to the forehead.

Brow Reduction Procedure

The procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia, and the surgeon will make an incision across the hairline and remove a strip of scalp tissue. The remaining scalp is then pulled down and secured with sutures or staples, creating a lower hairline and a smaller forehead.

Recovery Process

Recovery time varies depending on the individual, but most patients can expect to return to normal activities within two weeks. Complications can include temporary numbness, scarring, and hair loss, but these are generally rare.



The results of this procedure can be dramatic, creating a more proportionate balance between the forehead and the rest of the face. The outcome of the surgery largely depends on the individual's facial structure and desired outcome, but in general, patients can expect a smoother, flatter forehead with a lower hairline.


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    I’m so glad that I put my trust in Dr. Ward. His skill and sense of aesthetic are impeccable and the surgery has changed my life for the better! In addition, his staff is also incredible and hand-picked. They helped ease my nervousness and told me what to expect pre and post-op.

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    I’m so glad that I put my trust in Dr. Ward. His skill and sense of aesthetic are impeccable and the surgery has changed my life for the better! In addition, his staff is also incredible and hand-picked. They helped ease my nervousness and told me what to expect pre and post-op.

Portrait of plastic surgery patient Testimonial

Brow Reduction FAQ

What should I do to prepare for my brow reduction surgery?

To prepare for your brow reduction surgery, follow these steps:

Consultation: Schedule a consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon specializing in brow reduction. Discuss your goals, medical history, and any concerns you have. The surgeon will evaluate your suitability for the procedure and provide specific pre-operative instructions.

Medical evaluation: Your surgeon may require a comprehensive medical evaluation to ensure you are in good health for the surgery. This may involve blood tests, imaging scans, or an examination by a primary care physician.

Medication review: Inform your surgeon about all medications, supplements, and herbs you are currently taking. They will advise you on which ones to stop or adjust before the surgery to minimize complications and ensure your safety.

Lifestyle adjustments: Follow any pre-operative guidelines provided by your surgeon. This may include avoiding smoking, alcohol, and certain medications or supplements that can increase the risk of complications.

Fasting guidelines: Your surgeon will provide instructions on when to stop eating and drinking prior to the surgery. Adhering to these guidelines is crucial for the success of the procedure and your safety during anesthesia.

Arrangements for aftercare: Plan for someone to accompany you on the day of surgery and assist you during the initial recovery period. You may experience temporary limitations in movement and require support.

It is essential to closely follow your surgeon's instructions to ensure a smooth surgical experience and optimize your results.

When can I return to work and resume my normal activities after the surgery?
How much does a brow reduction cost, and will my insurance cover the procedure?

The cost of brow reduction surgery can vary depending on factors such as the surgeon's experience, geographic location, facility fees, anesthesia fees, and the complexity of the procedure. Additionally, if you have any additional procedures combined with the brow reduction, it can affect the overall cost.

Since brow reduction is usually considered an elective cosmetic procedure performed for aesthetic purposes, it is typically not covered by insurance. Insurance providers generally do not cover procedures that are solely cosmetic in nature. However, if the brow reduction is performed for medical reasons, such as correcting a functional impairment or deformity, there may be a possibility of insurance coverage. It is advisable to consult with your surgeon and contact your insurance provider to determine the coverage details specific to your situation.

During your consultation, your surgeon will provide you with a personalized quote for the brow reduction procedure, including all associated costs. They may also discuss any available financing options to help make the procedure more affordable for you.

What should I expect during my post-operative appointments with my surgeon, and how often will I need to see them?

The Consultation

The brow reduction consultation is the chance for you and your surgeon to meet and get to know each other. This relationship is important for several reasons. You should feel comfortable with your surgeon to ensure that you are on the same page before surgery and that you will feel comfortable voicing any concerns or questions before and after the surgery.

Your surgeon will evaluate your brow and talk to you about your desired results. They will give you honest and realistic expectations and inform you of any potential risks involved. These risks can vary based on each individual person, so it is important to be honest and upfront during your consultation.

Follow up after surgery is important to ensure that you are healing properly and that you are happy with your results. If you are not happy, we want to know! It can take a few months before you are fully healed and see the final result, and we will monitor you carefully during this period to ensure proper healing.