7 Things to Consider Before Scheduling a Mommy Makeover, According to a Plastic Surgeon

mommy makeover

Becoming a mother is one of the most fulfilling experiences in a woman's life. However, pregnancy and childbirth can take a heavy toll on a woman's body, leaving her with loose skin, stretch marks, and extra skin in all the wrong places. A "Mommy Makeover" is a popular surgical procedure that can help most women regain their pre-pregnancy form. However, before scheduling your procedure, there are several things you should consider.

1. What exactly is a Mommy Makeover?

That is a great question. For many, a Mommy Makeover represents different procedures and different surgical interventions. It's also vital to consider geographically since a Mommy Makeover means different things to women in Florida than women in California. Most often, a Mommy Makeover means surgery on the abdomen and surgery for the breasts, two areas that are invariably affected by childbirth trauma. The most traditional Mommy Makeover is breast augmentation and an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck). Of course, that doesn't mean you can't add other procedures.

2. Am I a good candidate for a Mommy Makeover?

Most patients/women are candidates for some surgical intervention. Exactly what, however, needs to be assessed at the time of your consultation. The topic we consider most critically during our initial consultation is: What are the patient's expectations? The patient (YOU) should have reasonable expectations about what you wish to gain from the surgical intervention. Also, we want to ensure your body is where it needs to be before surgery. Some patients need to gain weight and body muscle mass, while others may need to lose fat or simply plateau. A surgical team should make these assessments at the time of your consultation. Remember, a tummy tuck or lipo-contouring/liposuction procedures are not fat-reducing. These procedures contour your body and form to regain what you had in the past. So, having a realistic idea of what you wish to gain from the surgery is essential. The surgical team's goal will be to meet your hopes and expectations.

3. What should I do if I plan to have kids in the future? What are my options?

We recommend waiting before planning your mommy makeover if you plan on having more children. Pregnancy and childbirth can undo the effects of the surgery, and you may need to undergo the procedure again. That said, some patients may still be determining if they want to have more children in the future. If that is the case, they may be candidates for surgery. The surgical intervention does not inhibit you from having children in the future.

In some cases, the body doesn't change that much, and some aspects of the surgery may be okay. Again, the decision here is yours. The plastic surgery team will do its best to customize the procedures to your needs and wants.

4. What is my recovery going to be like? What are my restrictions after surgery?

Everyone is different. In that mindset, how everyone recovers from surgery will be different. Recovering from a Mommy Makeover can take three to four weeks, and planning for this time off from work/home is important. You'll need to rest and avoid strenuous activities during recovery to ensure proper healing. The specific restrictions from surgery depend on the exact procedures done during the operation. It's worth mentioning that with the use of a new drug Exparel (injected into the abdominal wall during the tummy tuck procedure), the recovery and the post-operative pain have been dramatically minimized and have become much less taxing.

5. Is it expensive? What are my options/financing?

Unfortunately, no procedures are inexpensive these days. However, a Mommy Makeover tends to address many concerns after childbirth. For this reason, it's often a great procedure that bears a great deal of value. As for the exact cost, it depends on each patient and the specific procedures they receive.

Many patients are interested in learning about what financing options are available. Most financing options will cover the surgery, the operating room, and post-operative care costs. These expenses are grouped to maximize the patient's benefit and minimize the overall cost. After your consultation, the patient care coordinator will discuss the price, fees, and financing options with you.

6. Will insurance pay for any of these procedures?

In some instances, insurance will pay for procedures deemed "necessary." However, this is assessed on a case-by-case basis. Most often, purely cosmetic cases are not accepted by insurance. Again, this can be discussed more in-depth during the consultation with the surgical team and the patient care coordinators.

7. How do I choose the right doctor for my Mommy Makeover?

Choosing the right surgeon and team is essential. You need to pick a team with an established track record, good training of team members, and a clear and solid post-operative care plan. The lead surgeon must be highly qualified and a well-trained plastic and reconstructive surgeon. The team needs extensive experience in the operations, its many facets, and the particulars for its recovery. The focus should be a highly professional team geared toward your needs, pre-operative concerns, intraoperative well-being and health, and post-operative care and recovery. All of these are important. Thankfully, at the Ward Institute and under Dr. Ward and Dr. Kordestani, such a team has been trained and is available.

To summarize, a Mommy Makeover can be a life-changing surgery for women who want to regain their pre-pregnancy bodies. However, it is essential to consider all of the questions highlighted here before proceeding with the surgery. It is also important to remember that the surgical team is here for your support. The team can and will educate you in preparation for your surgery.

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