One thing that holds many patients back from getting a surgery that they’ve always wanted is a fear of the recovery time. If you have been wanting to get chin implants but have been too fearful to do so because you’re worried about how long it will take to recover and how painful it will be, then we at Ward MD Facial Plastic Surgery have some good news for you: chin implant recovery really isn’t that bad. So, what exactly can you expect while you are recovering?


Just like with any surgical procedure, you will have some swelling after your chin implant surgery. One of the best ways that we encourage our patients to help reduce swelling is to sleep with your head slightly elevated on a pillow; this will also help with any drainage that you may have. To really make sure that your head is properly elevated, use two pillows so that you are at an incline.


Depending on your medical history, we may send you home with some prescription pain medications, but you can usually ease your pain with some over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen or Tylenol. Before you take any medications, make sure to consult with your doctor beforehand.


Because chin surgery is so close to your mouth, eating afterward may be a little bit difficult. Why? Because your lower lip and the lower quadrant of your face will still be a little numb. Additionally, your jaw may also be a little bit stiff afterward but that should subside as you start to heal. As a suggestion, we encourage our patients to eat soft foods that don’t require that much chewing until you start to get some feeling back in your mouth and the tension in your jaw eases up.

Don’t worry, when it comes to chin implant recovery or any type of recovery, we aren’t going to leave you on your own. We will send you home with detailed instructions and are always here to answer questions. Are you ready to make your dream of having chin implants into a reality? Contact our Cottonwood Heights office today and call us at 801-513-FACE.

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