Revolutionizing Beauty: Facelift and Neck Lift with Dr. Ward

Revolutionizing Beauty: Dr. Ward's Innovations in Facelift and Neck Lift Techniques in Salt Lake City, UT

Facelift and Neck Lift Techniques

Hello, Friends!

I'm Dr. P. Daniel Ward, a facial plastic surgeon in Salt Lake City, UT. Today, I want to talk about something that many people dream about - changing how their face, chin, and neck look. Many of you might have wished for a more chiseled look or a beautiful jawline. Well, I have developed an innovative approach called facial and neck contouring that can make those dreams come true!

What is Facial and Neck Contouring?
Facial and neck contouring is all about creating a natural and sculpted look. We're not just lifting or adding volume; we're enhancing how light reflects off your cheekbones and jawline. It's a modern technique that goes beyond the ordinary, and both men and women can benefit from it.

How Does Dr. Ward Achieve Amazing Results?
My approach follows a two-step process that focuses on harmony and beauty.

Repositioning the Structures: I carefully work on the face's deeper structures, including removing fat, repositioning muscles, and enhancing the jawline and neck. Younger patients don't need to worry about extensive surgery; I use minimally invasive methods for stunning results.
Utilizing Buccal Fat: Unlike some surgeons who remove cheek fat, I see it as a treasure! I reposition this precious buccal fat to create a more attractive facial contour.
Who Can Benefit from Dr. Ward's Approach?
People who have round faces, double chins, or fuller faces will find this technique perfect for them.

Dr. Ward's Unique Approach to Recovery
One of the best things about my procedure is that it allows for faster recovery compared to traditional surgeries. The initial recovery takes one to two weeks, but the complete recovery may take up to a year. During this time, you might experience swelling or mild irritation, but rest assured, it gets better over time.

Additional Skin Tightening
Sometimes, I combine surgical procedures with noninvasive treatments like radio frequency microneedling and laser treatments. This helps in boosting collagen and elastin production for even better skin tightening.

The Quest for Great Results
I believe that true beauty comes from careful contouring, sculpting, and adding volume where needed. I avoid overfilling the face or pulling things too tightly, focusing instead on natural and pleasing aesthetics.

Join Me in Your Beauty Journey
If you ever wished to enhance your facial features, feel free to reach out. My facial and neck contouring procedure might be the perfect solution for you! Together, we'll align your outer appearance with how you see yourself inside, boosting your confidence like never before.

Begin Your Journey

Fill out the form below and one of our friendly staff members will contact you shortly. We look forward to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals!

Contact Dr. P. Daniel Ward in Salt Lake City, UT for personalized facial and neck contouring solutions. Call today to explore your beauty potential!