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"Restoring Confidence: A Guide to Female Hair Loss and Restoration with Dr. Ward at the Ward Institute, Salt Lake City, UT

Female Hair Loss and Restoration with Dr. Ward

Restoring Confidence: A Guide to Female Hair Loss and Restoration with Dr. Ward at the Ward Institute, Salt Lake City, UT

Hello Friends!

I'm Dr. Ward, a facial plastic surgeon and hair restoration expert at the Ward Institute in Salt Lake City, UT, the crossroads of the west. Our clinic is a destination for people from around the world seeking help with hair loss. Today, we're going to dive deep into the world of female hair loss, exploring why it happens, how we diagnose it, and the various treatments, including FUE and FUT techniques.

Understanding Female Hair Loss
What Is Female Hair Loss?

Losing some hair is normal, but excessive hair loss can be troubling. Many women experience this, and it's my mission to help you understand and overcome it.

Reasons for Hair Loss in Women

Medical Conditions
The Workup: Diagnosing Hair Loss
We're committed to finding the root cause of hair loss. This "workup" includes:

Hair Restoration: The Treatments
Medications, Laser Therapy, and PRP Treatment

We offer a wide range of treatments like medicines, laser therapy, and PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) treatment.

Hair Transplant: FUE and FUT Techniques

Hair transplant is a surgical way to restore hair. There are two main techniques:

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE): In FUE, we take individual hair follicles from a part of your head and transplant them to where the hair is thinning. Here's what to know:
Procedure: We remove individual hair follicles and place them in the thinning areas.
Recovery: Healing is quicker, and there's less scarring.
Results: It looks natural, and the transplanted hair grows like normal hair.
Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT): This method involves removing a strip of scalp and dividing it into individual hair follicles. Here's what you can expect:
Procedure: A strip of scalp is removed, and the individual follicles are transplanted.
Recovery: It takes a bit longer to heal, and there may be a scar where the strip was taken.
Results: Just like FUE, the results are natural-looking.
Choosing Between FUE and FUT
I'll help you decide between FUE and FUT based on your hair, lifestyle, and needs. Both methods have unique benefits:

FUE: Ideal for shorter hairstyles, quicker recovery.
FUT: Often preferred for extensive hair loss or longer hairstyles.
Visit Us at the Ward Institute
Hair loss doesn't have to be a lifelong struggle. With world-class treatments and daily flights to Salt Lake City, the Ward Institute is here for you. Call or text us at 801-513-3223, and let's embark on your hair restoration journey together.

Your beautiful hair is waiting to be restored, and I hope to see you soon!

Dr. Ward's approach incorporates the latest advancements in hair restoration, offering personalized care for each patient. If you have more specific questions, please feel free to ask!

Begin Your Journey

Fill out the form below and one of our friendly staff members will contact you shortly. We look forward to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals!

Ward Institute, Salt Lake City, UT | Call or text: 801-513-3223 | Helping Men and Women from Around the World with Hair Restoration Solutions