Ward Institute Wellness Program

Ward Institute Wellness Program

We created the Ward Institute Wellness Program to help fulfill our mission, which is to improve lives by inspiring confidence. For many of us, our physical and mental wellness takes a back seat as we focus on other good things in life like family, jobs, travel, etc. While these activities are what make you YOU and make life meaningful, it may mean that you lose a little bit of that self-confidence as you start to gain a little weight, feel more tired, or wonder if you’ll ever feel attractive again.  

I’m here to tell you, YES. You are a strong human, and you deserve to look and feel as wonderful as you are. During your experience with the Ward Institute Wellness Program, I will tell you, again and again, that success doesn’t come from numbers on the scale. It comes from you feeling empowered and confident. As exciting as it is to hear that you can fit into your favorite jeans again, my moments of greatest satisfaction as a medical wellness provider come from hearing that my patient can go on a hike with their kids without being in pain. Or that they can finally smile in their family photos without being self-conscious. Or that they just walked down the street and felt energized and beautiful for the first time in years. That’s what it’s about: you feeling your power and worth, and using that to make the world a better place. 

Weight Loss

The Ward Institute Wellness Program is designed to help you both feel and see a difference in your health. Body and Mind. So much of physical and mental health is linked to body composition and fat in particular. Did you know that 72% of Americans are either overweight or obese? Obesity is associated with a higher risk of depression, anxiety, and eating disorders. It is second only to smoking as the leading preventable cause of death. Obesity can also lead to other serious disorders such as infertility, strokes, and cancer. 

But here’s the good news: losing even just 5-10% of your body weight can result in measurable improvements in your health such as lowering cholesterol and blood pressure. Most people understand that losing weight can improve their well-being and truly make an effort to get there. In fact, the average American attempts TWO fad diets every year, but abandons efforts less than six months in. So, if we know that weight loss will make us feel better, and we start the weight loss process so easily, then WHY is it so hard to make it to the finish line?  

In a word, weight loss is HARD. It can be difficult to keep momentum on the weight loss journey when you feel tired, sore, and hungry. We all know what a struggle it is to choose smaller portion sizes and get to the gym when you are “hangry”. Well for many people, me included, it is time to break that cycle. We are sick of defeat in our weight loss efforts and ready to commit to something that actually works.  

Wellness Program

That’s where the Ward Institute Wellness Program comes in. This program is designed to take your efforts and amplify them. Through a combination of lifestyle coaching, prescription medication, and hormone balancing, we can help you achieve your wellness goals. Let’s talk about how. 

During your consultation visit, I will dive into your health to really see what your body is doing and what might be hindering your progress. This involves a physical examination, extensive blood work, and evaluating your family history. Getting a full view of your health guides me to what treatments will give you the greatest success. The treatment plan will be different for each patient and may evolve over time as your body begins to change. 

Semaglutide for Weight Loss

For many patients, prescription medications end up being the big game changer. There are many weight loss drugs out there, some more effective than others, some safer than others. We will discuss your medical needs and decide which medication would be the best fit for you. One of the newer medications on the market right now is Semaglutide. 

Semaglutide is a GLP-1 receptor agonist and Incretin mimetic. This means that it increases insulin sensitivity and production, lowers blood sugar, and slows gastric emptying. All of these together make it a generally safe and very effective medication for weight loss. One study showed an average loss of 15% - 20% of body weight. 

Semaglutide is injected into the subcutaneous fat on a weekly basis. Injections sites change with each visit to reduce the risk of lipoatrophy. I like to begin patients at a very low dose to assess their response. Though most do quite well, some experience intense nausea, heartburn, constipation, or diarrhea. The longer you are on Semaglutide, the more improvement you should see in those unpleasant GI side effects. Some patients can handle increasing their dose faster than others. Everyone is different. At each visit, we will monitor your symptoms and see how much weight you have lost before deciding to increase your dose. While everyone’s weight loss journey is unique, I generally like to see a slow and steady weight loss of between 1-2 lbs/week. Much faster than this could be potentially dangerous to your health and make it harder to keep the weight off long term.  

Once we have found your optimum dose where the weight is coming off and the side effects are under control, it’s pretty smooth sailing from there. Semaglutide is highly effective because it works on several different hormones that help you to feel fuller for longer. In fact, many patients report having to remind themselves to eat while on the medication. It also makes it much easier to make healthy food choices because of the significantly decreased craving for sweets and fried foods. I like to think of your time on Semaglutide as a training period for developing lifelong habits. While the temptation to overeat or indulge in junk food is removed, you can focus on permanently improving your diet, making it easier to maintain your weight loss once you have discontinued the medication. 

Some patients ask me if they will be on Semaglutide forever. In general, this is not the case. Unless you have active diabetes, there is no need to take Semaglutide indefinitely. I prefer to use Semaglutide as a tool to get patients to a healthy weight and then discontinue. Ideally, you should use your freshly established healthy lifestyle to keep you from putting the weight back on. 

More serious but rare side effects include hypoglycemia and thyroid cancer. During your consultation, I will assess and discuss your risk for these conditions so that you can make an informed decision. 

Hormone Balancing

Aside from attaining a healthy weight, balancing hormones is one of the most effective ways to improve how you feel and function day to day. Aging reduces both ovarian and testicular hormone production. In women, this is referred to as “menopause”. In men, I like to call it “MANopause”. During this transition period, hormones like testosterone decrease in both men and women. After age 30, men can actually be losing about 1% of their testosterone every year. Low testosterone can sometimes be the cause of unpleasant symptoms such as weight gain, depression, anxiety, lack of motivation, fatigue, low libido, ED, vaginal dryness, hot flashes, poor sleep, night sweats, pain with intercourse, trouble recovering from exercise, etc.  

As part of your comprehensive wellness evaluation, I will review your symptoms and check your hormone levels. If you are both deficient and symptomatic, we will discuss methods of supplementation. This could include pills, injections, or even hormone pellets. Hormone pellets have gained popularity due to their low maintenance. For those who qualify, it is a simple in-office surgical procedure to place small hormone-containing pellets into a fat pad, typically on the flank or leg. While it may be mildly sore for a couple of days, patients often choose this option because it is long-lasting and delivers consistent blood levels of the hormones. Pellets typically last about 3-5 months, meaning fewer office visits and time on your part. You can also address multiple hormones with pellets including testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone if necessary.  

Whatever your motivation, the Ward Institute Wellness Program can help you get back to a healthier and happier version of yourself. Just call to schedule a consultation and take that first step on your wellness journey! 


0869281001683149615.jpg Shalia Hartvigsen PA-C

Arizona native, trained since a child in music (choral, piano, French horn, trumpet). She knew since she was seven years old she wanted to work in surgery. She’s worked as a medical interpreter across the country. She earned her degree from BYU in Physiology and Developmental Biology, where she also met her incredible husband. She received her Master’s Degree from Touro University, where she specialized in Plastic Surgery.

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