How A Lower Bleph Can Help Open Your Eyes (Literally)

Waking up with a newborn baby may leave you with more dark circles under your eyes than you knew existed, but if you aren’t waking up every two hours with an infant and you still have dark circles under your eyes, then Dr. Ward may recommend a blepharoplasty. A lower Bleph or a lower eyelift is a surgical procedure that involves removing excess tissue from the skin under the eyes to help improve the appearance of dark circles which can make you look permanently exhausted. But why is this a surgery that you may want to consider?

It Will Give You Real Results

If you have spent hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars on expensive eye creams that claim to get rid of dark circles, then you probably wasted money. Although eye creams and skin care products can help with things like collagen loss, they aren’t necessarily going to give you the results that you can get from surgery. After you have recovered from your surgery, you will notice substantially more noticeable results. In fact, you can look at some of our before and after photos right here.

It Will Last

No surgery is permanent, because as you start aging, you may begin to get more skin and fat under your eyelids, but your surgery should last you several years if not at least a decade. If anything, your blepharoplasty will slow down your chances of getting even worse bags under your eyes within the next ten years.

It’s Easy

Another great thing to know about a lower blepharoplasty is that it’s a straightforward procedure. Dr. Ward may be able to perform it with just a local anesthetic so that you won’t have to be entirely out. Plus, recovery from this surgery is relatively easy as well.

Are you ready to learn more about getting a lower blepharoplasty? Contact us at our Salt Lake City office today at 801-513-FACE.

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